COLDEX Data and Samples

COLDEX values the open, honest exchange of ideas, data, and technology, and is committed to sharing data with the ice core community and the public, while ensuring that creators and providers of data receive appropriate credit, as described in the COLDEX Data Management and Sample Allocation Policies.

COLDEX Oldest Ice Sample Requests

In collaboration with the NSF Ice Core Facility, COLDEX is managing sample requests for ice cores collected through center activities, as well as cores previously collected at the Allan Hills Blue Ice area, some of which include ice older than 800,000 years (hereafter “COLDEX samples”). COLDEX samples are available to COLDEX participants and others in the US scientific community. COLDEX sample availability is cataloged in the NSF-ICF sample inventory. COLDEX participants and qualified US investigators can directly request COLDEX samples; international researchers may obtain samples through collaboration with COLDEX participants. Interested researchers are encouraged to contact Edward Brook, Peter Neff, or Christo Buizert to discuss collaborations and sample availability.

Sample requests will be reviewed by the COLDEX sample allocation committee (SAC). If requests are granted, the SAC will communicate with the ICF staff to arrange sample cutting and shipping in coordination with the investigators. The SAC can also advise on sample availability and ages.

COLDEX Participants can request samples using the sample request form. Email the completed “Sample Request/Facility Use Form” to Peter Neff and Christo Buizert.

Non-COLDEX US investigators can request COLDEX samples through a procedure similar to that for regular ice core samples managed by the NSF-ICF. Using the COLDEX sample request form they can either (i) request a small number of COLDEX samples for a pilot study, or (ii) request a letter of sample availability for inclusion with an NSF proposal submission. Email the completed “Sample Request/Facility Use Form” to Peter Neff and Christo Buizert. NSF-funded researchers have access to the same samples that COLDEX participants do.

International researchers from outside of the US interested in working on COLDEX samples should contact Director Edward Brook. They may be required to have a COLDEX or NSF-funded collaborator before they are given access to COLDEX samples. Priority will be given to researchers with analytical capabilities unavailable in the US and/or COLDEX.

Published COLDEX Datasets

Internal COLDEX Datasets

COLDEX Data Master List

Tab 1 of this spreadsheet contains links to published datasets, which may be accessed by anyone. Tab 2 contains links to unpublished datasets on the COLDEX server. An account on the COLDEX Globus server is required to access these files.