In press
Kirkpatrick, L. R., Carter, A.J., Marks Peterson, J., Shackleton, S., and Fudge, T.J.: Three-Dimensional Multitrack Electrical Conductivity Method for Interpretation of Complex Ice Core Stratigraphy. Submitted to J. Glaciology, preprint available at
Mutter, E. L. and Holschuh, N.: Advancing interpretation of incoherent scattering in ice penetrating radar data used for ice core site selection, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024.
Yan, S., Koutnik, M. R., Blankenship, D. D., Greenbaum, J. S., Young, D. A., Roberts, J. L., van Ommen, T., Sun, B., and Siegert, M. J., Holocene hydrological evolution of subglacial Lake Snow Eagle, East Antarctica implied by englacial radio-stratigraphy, accepted, Journal of Glaciology.
Huffman, D.R., Bruns, C.J., Neff, P.D. et al. Social network analysis to understand participant engagement in transdisciplinary team science: a large U.S. Science and Technology Center case study. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 12, 405 (2025).
Aydin, M., Nicewonger, M. R., Britten, G. L., Winski, D., Whelan, M., Patterson, J. D., Osterberg, E., Lee, C. F., Harder, T., Callahan, K. J., Ferris, D., and Saltzman, E. S.: Carbonyl sulfide measurements from a South Pole ice core and implications for atmospheric variability since the last glacial period, Clim. Past, 20, 1885–1917,, 2024.
Fudge, T. J., Sauvage, R., Vu, L., Hills, B. H., Severi, M., and Waddington, E. D.: Effective diffusivity of sulfuric acid in Antarctic ice cores, Clim. Past, 20, 297–312,, 2024.
Louise Huffman, Lars Demant-Poort. 2024. Chapter 2 (p, 26-40): The School of Snow and Ice (SNOWI): Professional Development for Middle and High School Educators in Ice Core Science and Climate Change. Polar and Climate Change Education: Citizen Science and Sustainability, edited by Gisele Arruda.
S. Kaundinya et al., "A Multi-Channel Airborne UHF Radar Sounder System for Oldest Ice Exploration: Development and Data Collection," IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 41-44,
Ng, J., Severinghaus, J., Bay, R., and Tosi, D. (2024) Evaluating marine dust records as templates for optical dating of Oldest Ice, Climate of the Past, 20, 1437–1449,, 2024.
Sanderson RJ, Ross N, Winter K, et al. Dated radar-stratigraphy between Dome A and South Pole, East Antarctica: old ice potential and ice sheet history. Journal of Glaciology. 2024;70:e74.
Stål, T., Halpin, J. A., Goodge, J. W., & Reading, A. M. (2024). Geology matters for Antarctic geothermal heat. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110098.
Bruns, C. J., & Andersen, I. V. (2023). The worth of nature: Valuations of glaciers in Alaskan and Norwegian media discourse. Environmental Communication, 1-16.
Karplus, M.S., T.J. Young, S. Anandakrishnan, J.N. Bassis, E.H. Case, A.J. Crawford, Gold, L. Henry, J. Kingslake, A.A. Lehrmann, P.A. Montano, E.C. Pettit, T.A. Scambos, E.M. Sheffield, E.C. Smith, M. Turrin, and J.S. Wellner. 2023. Strategies to build a positive and inclusive Antarctic field work environment. Annals of Glaciology, 1-7.
Z. Liu; C. He; M. Yan; C. Buizert; B. Otto-Bliesner; F. Lu; C. Zeng: Reconstruction of past Antarctica temperature using present seasonal d18O-inversion layer temperature: Unified Slope Equations and Applications, Journal of Climate 36:2933-2957, 2023.
Ng, J. (2023). Climate insights from below and to the left: Noble gas constraints on groundwater recharge, dating Antarctic Oldest Ice, and colonial geoscience in the energy transition [Doctoral dissertation, University of California San Diego]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Davidge, L., Steig, E. J., and Schauer, A. J.: Improving continuous-flow analysis of triple oxygen isotopes in ice cores: insights from replicate measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15, 7337–7351, 2022.
Shuai Yan, Donald D. Blankenship, Jamin S. Greenbaum, Duncan A. Young, Lin Li, Anja Rutishauser, Jingxue Guo, Jason L. Roberts, Tas D. van Ommen, Martin J. Siegert, Bo Sun; A newly discovered subglacial lake in East Antarctica likely hosts a valuable sedimentary record of ice and climate change. Geology 2022; doi: