
In press

  • Kirkpatrick, L. R., Carter, A.J., Marks Peterson, J., Shackleton, S., and Fudge, T.J.: Three-Dimensional Multitrack Electrical Conductivity Method for Interpretation of Complex Ice Core Stratigraphy. Submitted to J. Glaciology, preprint available at

  • Mutter, E. L. and Holschuh, N.: Advancing interpretation of incoherent scattering in ice penetrating radar data used for ice core site selection, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024.

  • Yan, S., Koutnik, M. R., Blankenship, D. D., Greenbaum, J. S., Young, D. A., Roberts, J. L., van Ommen, T., Sun, B., and Siegert, M. J., Holocene hydrological evolution of subglacial Lake Snow Eagle, East Antarctica implied by englacial radio-stratigraphy, accepted, Journal of Glaciology.


  • Huffman, D.R., Bruns, C.J., Neff, P.D. et al. Social network analysis to understand participant engagement in transdisciplinary team science: a large U.S. Science and Technology Center case study. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 12, 405 (2025).


  • Aydin, M., Nicewonger, M. R., Britten, G. L., Winski, D., Whelan, M., Patterson, J. D., Osterberg, E., Lee, C. F., Harder, T., Callahan, K. J., Ferris, D., and Saltzman, E. S.: Carbonyl sulfide measurements from a South Pole ice core and implications for atmospheric variability since the last glacial period, Clim. Past, 20, 1885–1917,, 2024.

  • Fudge, T. J., Sauvage, R., Vu, L., Hills, B. H., Severi, M., and Waddington, E. D.: Effective diffusivity of sulfuric acid in Antarctic ice cores, Clim. Past, 20, 297–312,, 2024.

  • Louise Huffman, Lars Demant-Poort. 2024. Chapter 2 (p, 26-40): The School of Snow and Ice (SNOWI): Professional Development for Middle and High School Educators in Ice Core Science and Climate Change. Polar and Climate Change Education: Citizen Science and Sustainability, edited by Gisele Arruda.

  • S. Kaundinya et al., "A Multi-Channel Airborne UHF Radar Sounder System for Oldest Ice Exploration: Development and Data Collection," IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 41-44,

  • Ng, J., Severinghaus, J., Bay, R., and Tosi, D. (2024) Evaluating marine dust records as templates for optical dating of Oldest Ice, Climate of the Past, 20, 1437–1449,, 2024.

  • Sanderson RJ, Ross N, Winter K, et al. Dated radar-stratigraphy between Dome A and South Pole, East Antarctica: old ice potential and ice sheet history. Journal of Glaciology. 2024;70:e74.

  • Stål, T., Halpin, J. A., Goodge, J. W., & Reading, A. M. (2024). Geology matters for Antarctic geothermal heat. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110098.


  • Bruns, C. J., & Andersen, I. V. (2023). The worth of nature: Valuations of glaciers in Alaskan and Norwegian media discourse. Environmental Communication, 1-16.

  • Karplus, M.S., T.J. Young, S. Anandakrishnan, J.N. Bassis, E.H. Case, A.J. Crawford, Gold, L. Henry, J. Kingslake, A.A. Lehrmann, P.A. Montano, E.C. Pettit, T.A. Scambos, E.M. Sheffield, E.C. Smith, M. Turrin, and J.S. Wellner. 2023. Strategies to build a positive and inclusive Antarctic field work environment. Annals of Glaciology, 1-7.

  • Z. Liu; C. He; M. Yan; C. Buizert; B. Otto-Bliesner; F. Lu; C. Zeng: Reconstruction of past Antarctica temperature using present seasonal d18O-inversion layer temperature: Unified Slope Equations and Applications, Journal of Climate 36:2933-2957, 2023.

  • Ng, J. (2023). Climate insights from below and to the left: Noble gas constraints on groundwater recharge, dating Antarctic Oldest Ice, and colonial geoscience in the energy transition [Doctoral dissertation, University of California San Diego]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.


  • Davidge, L., Steig, E. J., and Schauer, A. J.: Improving continuous-flow analysis of triple oxygen isotopes in ice cores: insights from replicate measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15, 7337–7351, 2022.

  • Shuai Yan, Donald D. Blankenship, Jamin S. Greenbaum, Duncan A. Young, Lin Li, Anja Rutishauser, Jingxue Guo, Jason L. Roberts, Tas D. van Ommen, Martin J. Siegert, Bo Sun; A newly discovered subglacial lake in East Antarctica likely hosts a valuable sedimentary record of ice and climate change. Geology 2022; doi: