Knowledge Transfer

Networks, like those created through the multi-disciplinary COLDEX team, provide powerful mechanisms for driving innovation, accelerating knowledge generation, and enhancing the transfer of knowledge. Together, the COLDEX team is working to better connect our research across disciplines, expand science use and application, and deepen community engagement in Earth and climate sciences.

New and existing knowledge generated by the COLDEX team will be effectively shared within and outside of our network. To do this, we first need an understanding of who is taking part in knowledge generation, who has access to the knowledge generated, and how it is (or can be) used, shared, and applied. Our approach engages the science of science communication and social network research to expand the reach and impact of our work.

We are using a foundation of research and a network-based analysis to understand:

  • How COLDEX can support, encourage and broaden participation

  • How COLDEX can authentically integrate new perspectives and voices across Center activities and partnerships.

Key activities include:

  • Network mapping & analysis to understand network characteristics & knowledge transfer strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

  • Professional Development across and outside of COLDEX in principles of effective communication, actionable science, and the science-policy interface.

  • Partnerships and research innovations to insure that relevant technologies, data, and methods developed through COLDEX will be widely distributed to appropriate experts and agencies.

To learn more or find ways to engage in our work, contact COLDEX Director of Knowledge Transfer Dr. Heidi Roop.

COLDEX Director of Knowledge Transfer Dr. Heidi Roop discusses her work with Senator Amy Klobuchar and Senate Agricultural Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow at University of Minnesota.

What do we mean by knowledge transfer?

COLDEX knowledge transfer activities include those that:

  • Exchange scientific & technical information

  • Facilitate communication to internal & external stakeholders

  • Provide updated materials for training & capacity building

  • Utilize knowledge broadly across different areas of science and engineering, industry, public policy, and other sectors

  • Enable & support innovation

  • Inform decision-makers in a timely manner on new research outcomes