COLDEX Seminar Series

COLDEX seminars are typically held on the first Monday of each month, usually at 11 am Pacific (though times may be adjusted for international speakers). We feature talks about ice core science from scientists within and beyond COLDEX. These seminars are open to the public - please email Managing Director Danielle Whittaker (whittdan at oregonstate dot edu) for the Zoom link.

Upcoming seminars:

  • Monday, March 3, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT: Gavin Piccione, Brown University: A Sedimentary Archive of Antarctic Ice Sheet Oxygen Isotope Values from the Late Miocene

  • Monday, April 7, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT: Allie Balter-Kennedy, Columbia University: Deciphering East Antarctic ice sheet history since the Miocene using cosmogenic isotopes

  • Monday, May 5, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PT: James Rae, University of St. Andrews: Continuous CO2 reconstruction across the MPT from boron isotopes informs mechanisms of glacial CO2 change

  • Monday, July 7, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT: Anna Ruth Halberstadt, University of Texas Austin

All Upcoming Events

All times are Pacific


COLDEX Seminar: James Rae

Note special time!

James Rae, University of St. Andrews: Continuous CO2 reconstruction across the MPT from boron isotopes informs mechanisms of glacial CO2 change

The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) represents a fundamental shift in the operation of Earth’s climate system, yet as this interval extends beyond the current reach of continuous ice core records, the role of CO2 in this transition is uncertain.  Prior to the MPT, the climate system was paced by the ~40 kyr obliquity cycle, with available CO2 reconstructions, temperatures, and ice volume all coupled to orbitally forced changes in solar energy at high latitudes.  Following the MPT, this relationship breaks down, with Northern Hemisphere ice sheets persisting through obliquity maxima in a series of “skipped terminations”, leading to longer glacial periods with larger ice sheets.  Here we examine the role of CO2 over the MPT, using high resolution boron isotope data from 3 sediment cores, spanning the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.  These records show excellent agreement with the ice core record in their younger portions, and striking consistency between sites, supporting the robustness of our reconstruction of atmospheric CO2.  We find that CO2 and ice volume remain largely coupled through the MPT, with limited CO2 rise during the skipped terminations around MIS 36 and 34, notably low CO2 during the deep glaciation of MIS 22 (the “900 ka event”), and notably high CO2 during the “super-interglacial” of MIS31.  This underscores the key role of CO2 in glacial and interglacial climate states.  In addition, it highlights that the mechanisms governing glacial-interglacial CO2 change, which are thought to be largely centred on the Southern Ocean, are not forced by orbital changes alone, but must be linked to land ice volume, as the only feature of the climate system with the inertia to persist through orbital insolation peaks.  This implies the existence of teleconnection between Northern Hemisphere ice volume and Southern Ocean CO2 storage, and we outline two potential mechanisms by which this might be achieved.

See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email

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COLDEX Seminar: Gavin Piccione, Brown University

Gavin Piccione, Brown University: A Sedimentary Archive of Antarctic Ice Sheet Oxygen Isotope Values from the Late Miocene

Sedimentary records of Antarctic Ice Sheet oxygen isotope compositions can supplement ice core records as archives of ice sheet and climate history. In this talk I will describe a new terrestrial record of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet oxygen composition, preserved in calcite and opal precipitates that form in the subglacial environment and are collected at the ice sheet surface in blue ice regions. Through a case study using samples from the Late Miocene, I will demonstrate how these samples can preserve δ18O signals from past ice sheets, offering new insights into Antarctic ice sheet evolution and its climate significance.

See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email

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Knowledge Transfer Monthly Meeting

The Knowledge Transfer group usually meets the fourth Wednesday of every month; this meeting is being held at a special time due to the holidays.

See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email

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Education & Leadership Monthly Meeting

The Education & Leadership group normally meets the fourth Friday of every month; this month’s meeting is rescheduled due to the holidays.

See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email

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