COLDEX Seminar Series
COLDEX seminars are typically held on the first Monday of each month, usually at 11 am Pacific (though times may be adjusted for international speakers). We feature talks about ice core science from scientists within and beyond COLDEX. These seminars are open to the public - please email Managing Director Danielle Whittaker (whittdan at oregonstate dot edu) for the Zoom link.
All Upcoming Events
All times are Pacific
Ice Coring & Ice Analysis Monthly Meeting
The Ice Coring & Ice Analysis group meets the second Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Monthly Meeting
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group meets the third Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Knowledge Transfer Monthly Meeting
The Knowledge Transfer group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Education & Leadership Monthly Meeting
The Education & Leadership group meets the fourth Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Exploration & Modeling Monthly Meeting
The Exploration and Modeling group meets the first Monday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
COLDEX Seminar: AGU Practice Talks
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Knowledge Transfer Monthly Meeting
The Knowledge Transfer group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Education & Leadership Monthly Meeting
The Education & Leadership group meets the fourth Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
All-Hands Meeting: COLDEX Sense of Belonging 2024 Survey: Feedback & Next Steps
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Monthly Meeting
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group meets the third Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Ice Coring & Ice Analysis Monthly Meeting
The Ice Coring & Ice Analysis group meets the second Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Exploration & Modeling Monthly Meeting
The Exploration and Modeling group meets the first Monday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
All-Hands Meeting: Who decided what room temperature is comfortable for "All-Hands"? A discussion of professionalism and how this impacts the COLDEX community.
Professionalism is deeply rooted in the workplace. However, there are many systemic issues that discriminate against people from the historical non-majority with this social concept. In this interactive workshop, we will think about how we each learned about professionalism and about some of the deep-rooted biases that still lead to discrimination of workers today. We will work to answer the questions:
Who made the norms/rules?
Why do we still follow some of the norms/rules?
How can we reimagine what professionalism norms are for our polar science community?
Please note this workshop will touch on the topics of race, racism, gender, sex, sexual orientation, and white supremacy. We hope everyone can come to this workshop with a growth mindset.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Education & Leadership Monthly Meeting
The Education & Leadership group meets the fourth Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Knowledge Transfer Monthly Meeting
The Knowledge Transfer group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Early Career Researchers Monthly Meeting
The Early Career Researchers group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
All-Hands Meeting: Intent vs. Impact: Microaggressions in the Workplace
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Monthly Meeting
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group meets the third Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Bystander Intervention Training
COLDEX is organizing a field-focused workshop for Bystander Intervention concepts to follow-up from the introduction at the Annual Meeting. This is an especially important training course for all members of COLDEX and is highly encouraged for anyone deploying to the field this season. This training will occur on Friday, October 18th from 8am – 12:30pm PT / 11am – 3:30pm ET. Please be advised that is important to be present for the whole training and that active breakout rooms will be used to practice scenarios. If you plan to attend, please RVSP here by Wednesday, October 16th to receive the Zoom meeting link and any course materials.
Using Globus to share your data with COLDEX
COLDEX Data Manager Jenna Epifanio will run a session on how to use Globus to store, share, and access data.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Ice Coring & Ice Analysis Monthly Meeting
The Ice Coring & Ice Analysis group meets the second Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Exploration & Modeling Monthly Meeting
The Exploration and Modeling group meets the first Monday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace, COLDEX Google Calendar, or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
COLDEX Annual Meeting
The third annual All-Hands COLDEX meeting will take place September 9-11, 2024 at Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR.
COLDEX Seminar
COLDEX 2024 REUs will give presentations about their summer projects.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
COLDEX Early Career Researchers Monthly Meeting
The Early Career Researchers group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
COLDEX All-Hands Meeting: Center Status Update
Director Ed Brook will provide an update on the status of the Center overall, including plans for Phase 2.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
COLDEX Seminar
Dr. Carlos Martin Garcia, British Antarctic Survey: Climatic imprint in the optical and mechanical properties of ice sheets: polarimetric radar as a tool for oldest ice exploration
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Education & Leadership Monthly Meeting
The Education and Leadership group meets the fourth Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Knowledge Transfer Monthly Meeting
The Knowledge Transfer group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Monthly Meeting
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group meets the third Friday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
COLDEX All-Hands Meeting: Meet the REUs!
COLDEX members will have an opportunity to meet and chat with the 2024 COLDEX REUs!
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Ice Coring & Ice Analysis Monthly Meeting
The Ice Coring & Ice Analysis group meets the second Wednesday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email
Exploration & Modeling Monthly Meeting
The Exploration and Modeling group meets the first Monday of every month.
See COLDEX Slack Workspace or email invitation for Zoom link, or email