Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Our vision is that COLDEX is inclusive, welcoming, and supportive, providing a model for the wider Earth Science community. To accomplish this vision, we need to examine and change our internal cultural norms and values, provide mentorship and support, and hold ourselves accountable for our actions and to our goals.

  • The challenges are great. Historically excluded groups make up nearly 30% of the U.S. population, but as of 2012, only 3.8% of tenured or tenure track faculty. Polar science is still perceived as a white, male, able-bodied endeavor. The polar regions are often perceived as remote, barren places, but are actually complex systems tightly connected to global climate, and thus, our homes.

  • COLDEX is approaching these challenges through a strategy of inclusive excellence - by embedding equity and inclusion training for all COLDEX personnel in our activities, by developing targeted recruiting strategies that link to our educational goals, and by thoughtful external messaging.

  • Many COLDEX programs are specifically designed to reach communities underrepresented in STEM. Our professional development programs for teachers and college faculty are targeted to people who serve those communities. Our REU program, graduate student assistantships, and early career researcher scholarships will also provide opportunities for students from historically disadvantaged groups. New partnerships in these areas are welcome and will be actively explored.

For more information about COLDEX programs in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, contact Director for DEI Dr. Erin Pettit.